Methods to Prevent Youth Suicide
Suicide is a tragic, and global issue. The impact of suicide is far-reaching, affecting their family, friends, and the wide community. It can have serious emotional, economic, and financial consequences.
Our youth are at risk, and research has shown that there are effective prevention strategies available to us. These methods can be used by parents, helpline volunteers, teachers, and youth workers. The most effective strategy for suicide prevention is by taking a multi-pronged approach to provide support for those at risk.
Suicide Prevention
Developmentally speaking, the years between youth and adulthood are critical for the development of emotional, cognitive, social, and mental change. Adolescence welcomes a time of growth, as children navigate milestones to prepare them for their roles as adults, this includes education and employment, living circumstances, and relationships. It can be a challenging and difficult time and is often associated with a higher risk of suicide.
Youth PTSD
When children live through traumatic events PTSD is a real risk. The traumatic events that may lead to PTSD include being the victim of a violent crime, which includes both physical and sexual abuse. Other traumas include school shootings, fires, floods, and car accidents. Additionally, the death of a loved one or suicide can trigger PTSD.